Nenkin Net
"Nenkin Net" is the Japan Pension Service web portal site which supports individual login to access your own pension records. It is also possible to create and compare detailed projections of your potential future Base and Employee pension income. Whilst this page provides some examples and insight into operating the nenkin net functionality, those without any Japanese language skill will require some assistance.
An English language version of the site is available via The English version contains explanations and overviews of the various aspects of the Japan pension service along with many multilingual pamphlets. The English language portal does NOT provide the link for an individual login.
Nenkin Net login account creation
The individual login to the nenkin net service is accessible from the Japanese site. There are three methods for initial login account creation and identity authentication.
- Access Key
- An access key will be issued via post at the age of 20 or via the annual pension statement card ねんきん定期便 This can be used to register an email address and login verified by sending a postcard to your registered address.
- Without Access Key.
- Via the nenkin site request a user ID via post. A postcard required to complete the initial authentication will be sent within 5 business days.
- Myna Portal.
- Leveraging the mynumbercard system for authentication. Details in Japanese are located here:
Three primary areas of the Nenkin net personal site

The three main areas of the nenkin net personal site are (from left to right)
- Check Pension Contribution History. 年金記録を確認する
- Calculate Future Pension Amount. 将来の年金額を計算する
- Check your Pension Statement. 通知書を確認する
Check Pension Contribution History 年金記録を確認する
Within the first option can you see details of your contributions to date. There are simple and detailed views available.

Simple view of contribution history.
Clicking on "一覧で年金記録を確認する" will display from age 20 how months of each coverage type you had.
Either Employee, Base Pension, missing, exempted, etc. 厚生/国民/未加入
There could be multiple entries for a single year if you change the scheme you participated in of if there are gaps in contributions.

Detailed view of contribution history
Alternatively, you may take a deeper look into contributions and missed contributions in the next three options.

Explanation of each option:
- A month-by-month view of which type of contribution were made. You can filter this report in various ways. The default view will display results in 10 year periods starting from age 20.
- A view of the total contributing months for either Base or Employee pensions. For employee pension, this will display the names of each employer alongside how many months of contributions whilst working there.
- Details the months of missing months you are still able to pay with additional contributions. Unless your employer made a mistake you will only be able to address missing Base pension contributions from within the previous two years.
Calculate future pension amount 将来の年金額を計算する
Experience of role playing games isn't required to navigate this area of the Nenkin net site isn't required. But it won't hurt either.

The three available options (clockwise from top):
- Simple Estimation (かんたん計算)
- Detailed Estimation (詳細な条件で計算)
- Display, compare and edit previously created Estimations (計算結果一覧表示)
Both simple and detailed estimations are stored in "patterns". Up to five(5) patterns may be stored at any one time.
Simple estimation (かんたん計算)

The simple estimation (かんたん計算) will calculate your Base and Employee pensions on the assumption you will continue to work until retirement age making pension contributions in line with those you currently make.
The result is automatically named based on the current date and saved into a patter (パターン) to be held alongside any other estimations you generate.
Once inside the かんたん計算 screen click on ”計算する”
You will be presented with a graphical display of your projected pension entitlement. This should match the projection you receive in your annual pension statements once you have reached the age of 40.
Detailed estimation (詳細な条件で計算)

Here you will have the ability to create, compare and modify future pension estimates based on assumptions around how you will work and contribute into the pension system until retirement.
Timeframe is displayed based on your age in Years and months (Months from 0-11).
A possible scenario you may want to build could be a mix of:
- Future employment.
- Continued employment with your current employer until a specified age.
- Transition to a new employer or re-employment with your current employer under different terms.
- A period or self or voluntary contributions until a pension will be received.
- Pulling forward or pushing back the age at which you will receive all or some of your pension entitlement.
Future Employment projections.
Example. Continuation with current employer.
What follows is an example for creating the first entry of future employment to show you will continue with your current employer until a specified age.

You can create multiple entries to cover yourself form your current age until 60 or 65.
Assuming you plan to continue working for your current employer for a time you'll need an entry to capture that.

For Question 1. Select yes, then estimate your current monthly salary in Question 2.

For Question 3 specific which month(s), if any, you'll receive a bonus and the amount. Up to a maximum of three per year.

For Question 4 specify up to what age you will continue this employment situation.

For Question 5 confirm if you will participate in the Employee Pension System fund 厚生年金基金 which is available to only specific industries and employers.

For Question 6. Confirm whether there will be a change from your current employer.

If you select no (いいえ)to indicate you will stay with our current employer you will be prompted to confirm if the employment will be a continuation from current employment (引き続き) or if you will terminate your employment then rejoin.

This will complete the create of this Future Employment scenario.
Upon completion of this entry you can create another entry in this Future Employment area for a different employer or for self-employment.
If you plan to retire early but contribute to the Base pension system on a voluntary basis then create a Future Employment entry of Self Employment with your monthly income as zero.
You can also specify to continue contributions after 60 on a voluntary basis but you need to put the self employment period to the age past 60 (e.g. 65) for this to work.
This may be useful if you have not reached 480 contributing months by age of 60 and do not plan to work beyond 60.
Example Self Employment and voluntary contributions
The following is an example for Future self-employment including voluntary contributions from age 60-65.

Then in responses to the next 5 questions.
Question 2. (質問2)
Agree to pay a fixed based pension amount and not receive exemptions.
Agree to pay the additional pension (fuka nenkin; 付加年金) which is current 400 yen per month.
Question 3 (質問3)
Enter details on your expected income. In the case of not working or working and only paying the fixed base pension amounts this can be left blank.
Question 4 (質問4)
Ener your age when this arrangement will cease. If you plan to make voluntary contributions past the age of 60 then ensure this date is the age you wish to make voluntary contributions until. (65 in this example).
Question 5 (質問5)
Confirmation you wish to make voluntary contributions past the age of 60.

Advancing or Deferring commencement of Pension Payments
This second section covers if you want to receive all or part of your pension earlier (繰り上げ) or later (繰り下げ) than age 65.
You can chose to amend the commencement age for either/or both of your Base and Employee pensions. If you do not complete this section, payment of your pension(s) will commence on your 65th birthday.

Example. Deferring the start of Base and Employee pensions to 67 years of age.

Once you have the future employment and commencement of pension settings you want you can name and save the Pattern.

View Edit and compare stored patterns
Click here to access stored patterns.

Each pattern should be editable via the modify 修正 icon.
When viewing an individual pattern you can see the projected pension entitles, split between the type of pension as applicable in graphical form.
Green showing the base pension portion and red showing the employee pension portion.

If comparing two to or more patterns, the graphical view will display them as individual lines showing the cumilative total amount of pension you will be receiving.
This image show 5 patterns being compared.

Checking your Pension Statement 通知書を確認する

The main purpose of this section is to download a copy of your latest Nenkin Postcard statement.
The statement is generated once annually and provides a summary of contributions over the previous pension year (April - March) and for those over 40 a projection of your retirement pension assuming you maintain current contributions until the age of 60.