is a community-maintained English-language resource created by, and for residents of Japan covering all aspects of long-term residence and retirement in Japan.
The wiki was founded by, and is kept running by User:Adamu. Here is a talk he did about the wiki at the RetireJapan Online Conference 2021.
If you are a resident of Japan, and would like to add to or edit the content of this wiki, please see for information about how to request an account.
Disclaimer is written and edited by pseudonymous volunteers. Efforts are made to ensure that contributors are residents of Japan, but nothing here is guaranteed to be complete, accurate, professional opinion, or applicable to any individual situation.
We hope to provide a useful resource and the information here is written in good faith, but you should do your own due diligence.
If you find any incorrect information, please fix it yourself by registering to become an editor (if you are a resident of Japan) or contact User:Adamu or any other wiki editor who can make the change.
The wiki logo and icon are Copyright © User:Adamu, all rights reserved.
All other content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless otherwise noted.